Monday, April 1, 2013

These old things

I forgot I had these shoes. Which if you follow this blog you might ask "How?! She wears like the same 5 pair." Well I was just discussing this with a friend and fellow blogger. Although I have a quite a few shoe options I really tend to wear the same shoes rather often. It's a mix of whats easy to grab, what can make it through the day, and "hey, I'm feeling these shoes right now and not the others." So for a while I forgot these shoes were in the closet. Of course now that I've "found" them, I can't take them off.  

vintage jacket, F21 tee, H&M pants, TopShop shoes
Didn't I say white tees go with everything.

Found this jacket in a Cleveland thrift store for like $3 or something. I cut the shoulder pads out and voilà, vintage treasure. I don't usually do well with vintage so this was a pleasant find. This was my other bad hair day. 

Expect to see 'em again! 

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